Section 341
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Trustee in the Eastern District of New York
If you have sought protection under Chapter 13 in the Eastern District of New York and have been assigned attorney Michael J. Macco as your trustee, this website has been set up to help you understand more about the process and about how you can make the process less intimidating. Mr. Macco has been a bankruptcy trustee since 1983. He will evaluate your financial situation and help you develop a plan that will be approved by your creditors.
What You Need to Know About a Section 341 Meeting of Creditors
When you seek protection under Chapter 13, you must put together a reorganization plan to submit to your creditors. Your creditors will have an opportunity to express any concerns they have at a meeting called a “341 hearing.” The bankruptcy trustee presides over this meeting, listening to concerns from your creditors and asking you or your lawyer clarifying questions, if necessary. You may be subject to a debtor examination, where the trustee places you under oath and asks questions about income, expenses, debts and assets. If you have a lawyer, your lawyer must be present.
When you work with the office of Michael J. Macco, you must submit all relevant documents at least a week before the 341 hearing. If the trustee or other parties need additional documents based on information obtained at the 341 hearing, you will have 10 days to deliver those documents.
Contact the Office of Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Trustee Michael J. Macco
By federal law, Mr. Macco is prohibited from meeting with Chapter 13 debtors in person. You can make inquiries at his office between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Your inquiries, however, will always be with his staff. He will only call you personally if your case requires direct communication. Contact his office by e-mail or call his staff at 631-549-7908.
Mr. Macco’s office does not provide legal advice to debtors. If you have questions or concerns about a legal issue, you need to contact your own lawyer.